There are only a couple of hundred Life MGA’s in The United States. We are proud to be among them. In fact, KFS is the ONLY Life MGA in the state of Delaware! While there are many very qualified, aggressive and professional firms in this elite group, we know of no other Life MGA whose sole charter is to educate, orient, prepare and support a network of affiliated agents and agencies to provide a platform from which we can improve lives, protect families, integrate comprehensive, state of the art planning strategies and methods and simply guarantee the long term well being and security of families, businesses, employees and executives . We NEVER stop learning and studying. We stay at the forefront of industry regulations and changes. We stay current with IRS regulations that impact our carriers and clients. We are focused on understanding new products and opportunities before the general agency community even knows they’re available. Most of all, we are eager to share all that we know and all that we learn. Our objective is to help our affiliates perform exceedingly well, to serve their clients with unprecedented support, to be a true “partner “ with each and every agent/agency with whom we are affiliated.
We don’t make sales. We make marriages. Marriages between affiliated agents /agencies and KFS as well as marriages between individual agents and clients. We believe that sales are a result of meeting more important goals. Always do what is best for the client and treat that client as a valued long term asset. Service that client proactively and insure they are ALWAYS put first. Maintain the highest standards of ethics at all times. Address problems and issues head on and with a singular focus on prompt resolution. And above all, always value and respect the affiliated agents and agencies relationships with their clients. OUR business will grow because YOUR business is growing, and we promise to be a vehicle by which your growth is assured. We do 100% of the work and at all times reflect the values and integrity both you and your clients have a right to expect.
KFS is dedicated to you, your clients, and to always searching for the BEST strategies. We blueprint families and businesses into fail-safe positions. We provide peace of mind for your clients and cutting edge solutions that strengthen your client relationships.